Whoo Whoo! Talking about living in the shadows, the Open Group released TOGAF 9.2. A minor update to the long lasted 9.1 which was published in 2012. So almost 6 years for a minor update seems to long. But hey who is complaining as long as your 9 certification is compatible with the new standard. …
Category Archives: Blog
Architecture Description Language
Like the hard-headed guy I am, I went all lengths imaginable with one of my friends on the need for an architecture description language in our line of work. This guy who I would imagine had a better grasp of architecture than I do and continued insisting on there is no need to use any …
Fighting Uncertainty!
The future is gloomy. The expectations are high. Uncertainty I don’t know where I am now let alone where I should be heading to. Is what I am doing now even makes sense? Well, I had these questions for a couple of times during my life whenever tackling major problems whether personal or business. And now, …
The First National Enterprise Architecture Conference
I had the pleasure to join my old colleagues from Yesser and GOSI in the First National Enterprise Architecture Conference. and I especially enjoyed the presentations both done by Professor InKyu Kim and Dr.Steve Else. Pro. Kim who is the lead consultant for National Enterprise Architect Team in Korea dived into Korea’s experience in establishing the EA …
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New Year, New Challenge!
Like at the beginning of every year, people start to make dreams and promises for themselves so by the end of the year they realize them. Well, I have the privilege of joining CyTech just shy from the end of 2017. This is a startup company, luckily with a startpup mentality, with talented guys that …